Welcome to Day 5 of the God Kind of Love Blog Series.
This series is inspired by the characteristics of Love mentioned in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a.
So far, there have been other blog posts in this series on love is patient, love is not easily angered, love is respectful (not rude) and love does not keep record of wrongs.
Click here to read yesterday's blog post.
The focus of todays blog is Love does not envy in 1 Corinthians 13:4.
What does love does not envy mean?
Envy occurs when we are coveting something that another person has.
The Bible mentions that we should not be jealous or envious of another.
Exodus 20:17/Deuteronomy 5:21 commands that we should not be coveting (wanting something with a deeper desire) our neighbour and their belongings.
True love will never cause us to be jealous or envious. Rather, it will bring out the best in us and in those around us. When we love as God intended, we will be content with what we have and our circumstances. Love should not depend on how things look on the outside or what is materialistic.
When it comes to love, envy should have no place. Envy has the power to corrupt love and prevent us from experiencing joy.
Love should be based on appreciation and acceptance rather than on comparison or competition. We should celebrate and be grateful for the people in our lives and not compare ourselves or our relationships to those of others.

We all know that feeling of envy when we see someone else receiving recognition, attention, or accolades for something we’ve also worked hard on. But, this kind of envy doesn’t line up with God’s heart or what true love looks like.
Love is selfless and free from selfish motives, which includes being jealous of the success of others.
Real love doesn’t compare or covet another’s blessings. We ought to be happy for others when they succeed rather than feeling jealous or envious.
Love without envy may not come naturally, but we must continue to ask the Lord to help us recognize the truth and demonstrate real love. Only then will we live with pure hearts and have the opportunity to witness His great blessings for us and for those we love.
Envy can be rooted in comparison and lack.
Whereas, love is more about contentment than comparison, connection rather than competition, and it chooses to see the beauty in all things. Envy does not come from a place of selflessness, but rather of insecurity and wanting something else. It creates feelings of resentment, jealousy and sometimes bitterness, so true love eliminates any space for envy to grow and take over.
Let us open our hearts to true, unconditional love and reject any kind of envy that tries to creep in.
Answer the following questions to help you focus on your own ambitions and not covet others.
Write down a list of all your goals and aspirations.
Write down all the things you have achieved in your life so far?
What is one thing/action you can take to work on your goals ?
What area of life would you like to grow and develop in?
What Bible verse will you stand on to help you to be more content and live in love?
When you make the time for focus on your own goals and aspirations, it leaves little time for you to covet on what others have.
Let me know your answers in the comments.
Yours in sisterly love