Welcome to Day 3 of the God Kind of Love Blog Series.
This series is inspired by the characteristics of Love mentioned in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a.
Yesterday we learnt about showing love through forgiveness.
Click here to read yesterday's blog post.
The focus of todays blog is Love is not rude in 1 Corinthians 13:5.
Let's begin by examining the portion of scripture love is not rude in its own right.
I have looked at the original Greek word for Love is not rude.
However, its focus is on the word rude which is aschémoneó.
Phonetic pronounciation: (as-kay-mon-eh'-o)
This means to act disgracefully, to dishonour or act indecently.
This basis of this blog series is to find positive characteristics of love which can be used as an example for us to learn from and apply to our daily lives as Christians.
Therefore, an antonym of Love is not rude is Love is Respectful.
What is the definition of respectful Love?
Respect is defined as "esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person"
"to show regard or consideration for" another.
Source (dictionary.com app) accessed on 3.2.23

Other words for respect are being polite, well mannered and honourable.
Being respectful of yourself and others is great foundation for building a strong, loving and lasting relationships.
Respectful relationships involve communicating in ways that build each other up and create mutual understanding.
Respect means acknowledging the feelings and ideas of others. It involves communicating openly and without judgement, listening actively, understanding boundaries and compromise, being reliable and truthful and keeping commitments.
Respect is a fundamental piece of any relationship, and having it is key to strong and loving connections.
Respectful love is demonstrated through our words or actions.
Romans 12:10 states that we "Love one another warmly as Christians, and be eager to show respect for one another"
Answer the following questions regarding being respectful in our relationships.
What does respect mean to you?
What is one thing/action you can take to show respect to yourself and others?
What Bible verse will you stand on to help you when it comes to respectful love?
Let me know your answers in the comments.
Yours in sisterly love